Cotton plant.

Welcome to Nisela Farms: A Legacy of Farming Excellence Since 1896

At Nisela Farms, we proudly trace our roots back to 1896 when the von Wissel family, originally from Germany, settled in Ndumo, a vibrant region in Northern Zululand. Our founders, led by Louis Carl von Wissel, embarked on a journey of trading and bartering, providing essential supplies to the local communities. They tirelessly ferried goods from Lourenco Marques, now known as Maputo, up the Usuthu River to Ndumo.

A future focussed agribusiness

As time passed, the baton was passed on to Oskar Steffen, son-in-law of Louis Carl von Wissel, who skillfully steered the business forward. Following in his footsteps were his sons, Hermann and Oskar Steffen, who continued the family's legacy of excellence. The von Wissel family's dedication and determination laid the foundation for what would later become Nisela Farms.

Happy female employees working in agriculture.

Community First

The family eventually relocated to Manyonyaneni, a beautiful region in what is now known as eSwatini. It was here that our trading store flourished, meeting the diverse needs of the local community. In fact, the store became so integral to the area that it gave rise to the town of Matata, now home to over 3,000 residents. It was during this period that our iconic Matata brand was born, a symbol of trust and quality.

In 1962, we acquired our first property, a portion of CTC Farm, which stands for Cotton, Tobacco, and Cattle. This humble beginning marked the start of our journey towards growth and expansion. Over the years, we have transformed Nisela Farms into a vast agricultural enterprise encompassing over 8,500 hectares of land, with more than 2,000 hectares dedicated to arable farming.

What we do

Under the esteemed Nisela brand, we engage in a wide range of farming activities, nurturing the land and producing high-quality agricultural products. Our diverse portfolio includes sugarcane, covering an impressive 1,200 hectares, as well as bananas spanning 300 hectares. Additionally, we cultivate cotton across 300 hectares and sugar beans across 100 hectares. Furthermore, we take pride in growing the finest sweet piquanté peppers and Dragon Fruit, cultivating a total of 30 hectares for these unique crops.

At Nisela Farms, we are driven by a passion for agriculture and a deep-rooted sense of responsibility towards our environment and community. We believe in sustainable farming practices that preserve the integrity of the land while providing nutritious and exceptional produce for consumers worldwide.

Our team of dedicated farmers, agronomists, and experts work tirelessly to ensure that every stage of our farming process meets the highest standards of quality. From carefully selecting the best seeds and nurturing them under ideal conditions to implementing advanced irrigation techniques, we prioritize excellence in every aspect of our operations.

Field of crops

We’re the real deal.

As a result of our unwavering commitment to quality, Nisela Farms has earned a reputation as a trusted supplier in the agricultural industry. We pride ourselves on delivering produce that meets and exceeds the expectations of our customers, be it locally or internationally.

We invite you to explore our website and discover the world of Nisela Farms. Whether you are a consumer seeking top-notch agricultural products or a partner looking to collaborate with a reliable and ethical farming enterprise, we are here to serve you.

Join us on this incredible journey of agricultural excellence and experience the rich heritage that has shaped our business.